Thursday, June 20, 2013


When I was visiting Amanda in Brisbane we drove to Noosa which is on the Sunshine Coast about 2 hours away. We were lucky that it stopped raining when we arrived for a nice beach walk. It's a very cute town, a bit hoity-toity, but nice! Mostly a vacation spot for Australians. Here are some pictures!

(Also something funny happened there. The parking was unlimited after 5pm but only 1 or 2 hours before that. After our walk it was 4:45 and we wanted to kill some time and stay near the car to make sure it didn't get a ticket. So we went into a bathing suit store right beside Amanda's rental car. We ended up in there for like an hour, but Amanda kept sticking her head out to check on the car. Finally we were finished and we left the store and the car was gone!! Amanda was freaking out. The picture below is of her pointing to a big white truck that was in her car's spot! And there was no sign or anything about what do to if you get towed. Anyways she starts running up the street, and then realises she was parked a block away and the car she was watching all that time wasn't even her car. Luckily her actual car didn't have a ticket either!)

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