I'm in Brisbane!! It's a long weekend! Life is good! One of my best friends from business school, Amanda, is here for work for 9 months (!!!) so invited me to come stay at her apartment for the weekend. So nice to be somewhere with a kitchen for a few days! Today we went to the farmer's market in the morning, then to a Koala Sanctuary, then to get our nails done (much needed), and then for dinner. Not bad, eh?
You can "cuddle" a Koala at the sanctuary, which is a big deal, because I think this is the only state in Australia where that is allowed. They are super cute, but not as soft as they look, and they have very long and sharp nails that they sort of cling to you with. Here are a few photos of me and the Koala!
At first they wanted me to hold this one (I forget his name), but he didn't want to hang out with me. He just wanted more food.
So then they swapped in this one, named Utopia. She was incredibly sweet!
Looks like a new toy - all colour co-ordinated with you! You didn't show us your scratches?