Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Goodbye Monorail!

KM and KM2 stayed in Sydney through Saturday to visit with me and with another of their McKinsey friends. The morning was a bit of a write-off after the huge party the night before (ended around 3am), but we met for a Korean lunch in Chinatown around noon and felt much better afterwards.

Then we decided to ride the Sydney Monorail. I didn't even know the city had one, but it is one of KM's favourite things to do. It just goes in a small circle and is mostly for tourists. She described it as very relaxing with great views. Sounded like a great hung-over activity to me!

What we didn't know was that it was the last weekend the Monorail was running before it went out of business! They are dismantling it and taking it to Tasmania (apparently) !!! As a result it was not the typical monorail experience (apparently). First, there was a big line. They say there is not normally a line at all. Second, the monorail car was very, very full. So full we could hardly fit in. They say it is normally completely empty (I guess this is why it is going to Tasmania). Third, it was raining today. Normally that would be "normal" for Sydney winter, but the monorail we got in was wrapped with advertising on the outside, and the combination of the advertising and the rain meant that you couldn't see anything outside at all. The rain combined with the crowdedness also made the monorail smell really awful. At one point Lane looked like he was going to puke. We had to get off the train early. Overall Lane and I found that the Sydney Monorail was  more like a subway from hell (or the shuttle train to Newark airport) than a relaxing trip in the clouds above Sydney.

We got off randomly at the next stop (to avoid anyone puking) and happened to be at Paddy's Market, which is a big indoor market. This was a great place to be because it was raining so hard I expected to see cats and dogs everywhere. We made some fun purchases - for me, an interesting surprise gift for Mitchell and some glowsticks for a future team event (to be determined!) and for Lane, this amazing loungewear.